Sarah has practised solely in family law since the commencement of her career in 1999 and obtained her specialist accreditation in family law from the Law Society of NSW in 2005.
Sarah has in-depth experience in all aspects of family law. She has a lengthy background in international family law, and as a result, has connections with other family lawyers in many overseas jurisdictions. In particular, she enjoys applying her analytical mind to complex cases involving international issues, multiple and varying structures, and high net worth cases.
Sarah has a straightforward and direct manner and is a strong and persuasive advocate both in the court setting and in negotiations. She has extensive experience in most registries throughout Australia of the Family Court, the Federal Circuit Court and the Full Court (Appeal Court).
“The most rewarding part of my job is to help guide my clients through the
fraught process of separation and settlement. I always aim to provide my
clients with candid, down-to-earth advice, and to provide them with
a range of options aimed at reaching finalisation of their family law
issues as quickly and as painlessly as possible”
Sarah is a regular speaker for Legalwise Seminars, Growing Families and other Family & Fertility Law Conferences. If you would like to book Sarah Bevan to speak at your event, please contact her office.
After completing school, Sarah lived, studied, and worked in the UK and Europe for about 7 years. She graduated with an honours degree in law in 1995.
Whenever Sarah has the time and opportunity, she loves to travel with her family, especially to the tropics.
Memberships and Achievements
- Accredited Family Law Specialist (Law Society of NSW), gained in 2005.
- Accredited arbitrator
- Accredited mediator, National Mediator Accreditation System (NMAS)
- President, Surrogacy Australia
- A regular presenter of ongoing legal education papers on family law to the legal profession.
- Law Society of NSW
- Parramatta & District Law Society
- North Metropolitan Law Society
- Family Law Section of the Law Council of Australia
- A panel of lawyers appointed to act as the Independent Child’s Lawyer in proceedings under the Family Law Act
- Collaborative Professionals NSW Inc.
- International Academy of Collaborative Professionals
- Member of the AEA, a global network of international lawyers.
- Member of Justinian Lawyers – International Network Specialist Lawyers
Speaker and Panel Guest – Family Law & Fertility Law Specialist
Family Law: Property Financial Matters Conference
- Legalwise Seminars
- Covering developments in property and financial matters in family law.
- Implications of the Family Amendment Bill on property matters
- Practical take-aways from recent case law.
- Tips, traps and updates on the treatment Trusts, addbacks, inheritance, waste and third party issues.
- Identifying tax issues,
The duty of disclosure and discovery rules
- The obligation of disclosure and implications of failing to make a full and frank disclosure
- How to deal with another party failing to make disclosure
- Your obligations when your client fails to disclose
- Claims of privilege
- Legalwise Seminars
Family Law: Australian Surrogacy & Egg Donor Conference
- Growing Families – Regular Speaker, Moderator, Panel Guest & Sponsor
- Can your embryos be dealt with as property by the Family Court
- Canberra Surrogacy Laws Open Up Options for Singles & Couples
- Binding Financial Agreements – Prenuptial Agreements Lawyers Sydney
- Final Consent Orders In Family Law
- Fertility Lawyers Parramatta – Sydney
- Domestic Violence & Divorce
- Binding Financial Agreements – Prenuptial Agreements Lawyers Sydney
- What Is No Fault Divorce In Australia?
- Egg Donor Agreements
- What are the benefits of mediation in Family Law?
- Why paralegals need compassion
- What is Pre-action for Financial Cases in the FCFCOA?
- AIFLAM – Family Law Arbitrators & Mediators
- When can my child decide who they want to live with?
- The importance of Family Law Court attendance
- Divorce – When Your Spouse Suffers from Bipolar Disorder
- Legal Considerations for Australians Considering International Surrogacy and Donor IVF
- We just reached an agreement at mediation… now what?
- Adult disabled children in Family Law
- Lockdown and child shared custody issues
- Post-Nuptial Agreements, Is that really a thing?
- Sarah Bevan Family Lawyers, 2021 – Let’s go!
- What is involved for a step-parent to adopt a child?
- ADVOs and Parenting Orders
- What is Parental Alienation?
- Property settlements amid the Covid-19 pandemic
- Coparenting in the Covid-19 era: Complying with Orders
- Coparenting in the COVID-19 era: I need extra help right now!
- Family Law and the Coronavirus
- Consent Orders
- What can I do to help my lawyer with my case?
- De Facto Relationships & Property Orders
- I have been served with divorce papers, what do I do?
- When should we apply for a Prenuptial or Binding Financial Agreement?
- I left all the finances to my ex and I don’t really know anything about what we have. Can I still get a property settlement?
- Can I take someone with me to court?
- What do I wear to court?
- Hague Convention – Child Abduction Lawyers Sydney
- When can a court issue an Apprehended Violence Order?
- No-Fault Divorce and your Family Lawyer
- Surrogacy in USA and Trump’s birthright citizenship threats
- The Equality Legislation Amendment (LGBTIQA+) Bill 2024 [NSW] has been passed!
- De facto relationships – what happens if you split up?
- Father’s poor driving record considered a risk to child
- Can your embryos be dealt with as property by the Family Court
- Canberra Surrogacy Laws Open Up Options for Singles & Couples
- Binding Financial Agreements – Prenuptial Agreements Lawyers Sydney
- Final Consent Orders In Family Law
- Fertility Lawyers Parramatta – Sydney
- ‘Basic human rights’: The fight to change our birth certificates and the future of the family tree
- Domestic Violence & Divorce
- Binding Financial Agreements – Prenuptial Agreements Lawyers Sydney
- What Is No Fault Divorce In Australia?
- Egg Donor Agreements
- What are the benefits of mediation in Family Law?
- Property Agreements when couples separate
- Divorce when assets are tied up with the family business
- Why paralegals need compassion
- Disclosure and Exchange of Documents for Divorce
- What is Pre-action for Financial Cases in the FCFCOA?
- National Surrogacy & Egg Donation Conference 2022
- What Is A Power Of Attorney – Family Lawyers
- What is an Adoption Order?
- Practical tips for disclosure and evidence gathering in Family Law
- AIFLAM – Family Law Arbitrators & Mediators
- Can video and audio recordings be used as evidence in parenting proceedings?
- Family Law Parenting Proceedings
- Separation and Divorce and Mental Health Issues
- When can my child decide who they want to live with?
- The importance of Family Law Court attendance
- Family Violence In Property Matters
- Adoption in Australia – Sydney Family Lawyers
- What is a decree of nullity?
- Divorce – When Your Spouse Suffers from Bipolar Disorder
- Legal Considerations for Australians Considering International Surrogacy and Donor IVF
- Family Reports in Family Court Proceedings
- Australian Family Lawyers
- We just reached an agreement at mediation… now what?
- Adult disabled children in Family Law
- Lockdown and child shared custody issues
- Zero Tolerance
- Sperm Donor Agreements
- Donor and Surrogacy National Conference 2021
- Domestic Violence felt amid International Women’s Month
- The Basics of Surrogacy in Victoria
- Post-Nuptial Agreements, Is that really a thing?
- Donor and Surrogacy Conference Webinar
- What is involved for a step-parent to adopt a child?
- ADVOs and Parenting Orders
- Family Law Court Supervised time (or contact/access) – What is it?
- Will I get justice by going to Court?
- What is Parental Alienation?
- Property settlements amid the Covid-19 pandemic
- COVID-19 and Parenting Orders
- Coparenting in the Covid-19 era: Complying with Orders
- Coparenting in the COVID-19 era: I need extra help right now!
- Family Law and the Coronavirus
- Divorce & Separation Advice
- Sarah Bevan Celebrates 20 Years in Law
- Australian Parenting Orders
- Surrogacy in Australia
- What can I do to help my lawyer with my case?
- De Facto Relationships & Property Orders
- Settlement Advice In Divorce
- Passports In Parenting Disputes
- Can I travel overseas with the kids?
- Sperm Donor ruled to be a Parent
- Analysis of ALRC Family Law Review recommendations
- My ex has stopped paying child support
- I have been served with divorce papers, what do I do?
- Parental obligations to a child under 18
- When should we apply for a Prenuptial or Binding Financial Agreement?
- Annulment in the Family Law Courts in Australia
- Why is Adoption so hard in Australia?
- Divorce Advice Australia
- I don’t want to be the father of this child
- Prenuptial Agreements – how long do they take?
- Same-Sex Property Settlement Lawyers Sydney
- Same-Sex Relationships Wills & Estate Lawyers
- Same-Sex Relationships Surrogacy Lawyers
- Child Parenting Orders – Travel Permission For Children
- Divorce and Mediation – Family Law Arbitrator
- Your First Consultation
- Mandatory reporting laws for child abuse and family violence
- I left all the finances to my ex and I don’t really know anything about what we have. Can I still get a property settlement?
- What should I know about seeing a family lawyer?
- What is the most important thing people should do when first separating?
- Can I take someone with me to court?
- What do I wear to court?
- Does gender matter?
- Property Settlements – Divorce Lawyers – Common Myths
- Divorce Lawyers Sydney – Separation – Divorce – Family Lawyers
- Best Family Lawyers – Sydney – Parramatta
- Hague Convention – Child Abduction Lawyers Sydney
- Superannuation and Separation
- Divorce Lawyers Sydney – Who gets what in a separation
- Grandparents Rights – Family Lawyers Sydney
- Separation Legalities in Divorce – Family Lawyers
- LGBTI and Family Law – Family Lawyers Sydney
- Breaching Parenting Orders – Family Lawyers
- Mediation | Family law and section 60I certificates
- The Duty of Disclosure in family law |Family Law Firm Sydney
- Parenting Orders – Family Violence – Sydney Family Lawyers
- What is the difference between a Parenting Order and Adoption?
- Steps to take after the application for an Apprehended Violence Order
- Costs in family law proceedings – A case study
- De facto relationships – what happens if you split up?
- Father’s poor driving record considered a risk to child
- Divorce when assets are tied up with the family business
- Practical tips for disclosure and evidence gathering in Family Law
- Can video and audio recordings be used as evidence in parenting proceedings?
- Family Violence In Property Matters
- Legal Considerations for Australians Considering International Surrogacy and Donor IVF
- Separation Of Siblings
- What is Parental Alienation?
- Sperm Donor ruled to be a Parent
- Property Division Entitlements
- Spouse Maintenance
- Drug Use in Parenting Matters – Interim Orders
- International Property Settlements Family Lawyers
- Prenuptial Agreements – how long do they take?
- Parenting – Children – Child Support Lawyers Sydney
- Parenting- Children – Child Abduction – Family Lawyers Sydney
- Parenting – Children – Young Children – Child Order Lawyers
- Interim Orders and Parenting Arrangement Disputes
- Defacto Relationships – Financial Disputes
- Property Settlement – Child Support Payments – Lawyers
- Shared Parenting Arrangements – Family Lawyers
- Divorce – Separation- Family Law Firm Sydney
- Parenting/Children – Grandparents Rights – Family Lawyers
- Property/Financial disputes – substantial assets
- Child Custody – Recovery Order – Family Lawyers Sydney
- Parenting Orders – young children and sexual abuse allegations
- No-Fault Divorce and your Family Lawyer
- Surrogacy in USA and Trump’s birthright citizenship threats
- Sarah Bevan – Professional Service Provider of the Year Winner
- The Equality Legislation Amendment (LGBTIQA+) Bill 2024 [NSW] has been passed!
- Canberra Surrogacy Laws Open Up Options for Singles & Couples
- Final Consent Orders In Family Law
- Fertility Lawyers Parramatta – Sydney
- ‘Basic human rights’: The fight to change our birth certificates and the future of the family tree
- Domestic Violence & Divorce
- What Is No Fault Divorce In Australia?
- Egg Donor Agreements
- What are the benefits of mediation in Family Law?
- Property Agreements when couples separate
- What is Pre-action for Financial Cases in the FCFCOA?
- We’re Hiring – Family Lawyer – Junior to Senior Associate level
- National Surrogacy & Egg Donation Conference 2022
- What Is A Power Of Attorney – Family Lawyers
- Practical tips for disclosure and evidence gathering in Family Law
- Family Law Parenting Proceedings
- Separation and Divorce and Mental Health Issues
- When can my child decide who they want to live with?
- The importance of Family Law Court attendance
- Adoption in Australia – Sydney Family Lawyers
- What is a decree of nullity?
- Legal Considerations for Australians Considering International Surrogacy and Donor IVF
- Australian Family Lawyers
- Best Boss Ever – From the staff
- Lockdown and child shared custody issues
- Sperm Donor Agreements
- Donor and Surrogacy National Conference 2021
- Domestic Violence felt amid International Women’s Month
- The Basics of Surrogacy in Victoria
- Donor and Surrogacy Conference Webinar
- Will I get justice by going to Court?
- What is Parental Alienation?
- Alternative Dispute Resolution – The Courts introduce an Arbitration List
- COVID-19 and Parenting Orders
- Our Family Lawyers are Zooming along
- Coparenting in the Covid-19 era: Complying with Orders
- Coparenting in the COVID-19 era: I need extra help right now!
- Family Law and the Coronavirus
- Third Parties in Family Law Proceedings
- Divorce & Separation Advice
- Sarah Bevan Celebrates 20 Years in Law
- What can I do to help my lawyer with my case?
- Settlement Advice In Divorce
- Passports In Parenting Disputes
- Can I travel overseas with the kids?
- Sperm Donor ruled to be a Parent
- 2019 Annual Surrogacy Conference Melbourne – Family Law
- Analysis of ALRC Family Law Review recommendations
- My ex has stopped paying child support
- When should we apply for a Prenuptial or Binding Financial Agreement?
- Why is Adoption so hard in Australia?
- Divorce Advice Australia
- I don’t want to be the father of this child
- Prenuptial Agreements – how long do they take?
- Same-Sex Property Settlement Lawyers Sydney
- Same-Sex Relationships Wills & Estate Lawyers
- Same-Sex Relationships Surrogacy Lawyers