For most families, their pets (be it a dog, cat or guinea pig) are beloved members of the family – so what happens to “Fido” or “Mr Meow” when people separate?
Given the integral part some people’s pets play in their lives, decisions concerning who becomes the primary carer for pets can be traumatic and often leads to increased tension and hostility in any family law separation. There are a number of reasons that people may contest who keeps family pets:
Whatever the reason, disputes over the family pet appear to becoming more common.
The Courts however, have very limited capacity to deal with such issues. The Court isn’t concerned with identifying the best interests of the pet (whether the parties should share the care of, or otherwise have visiting rights). Rather, pets are generally treated as personal property (in a similar way, unfortunately, to CDs or clothes) or, if the pet is a breeding animal, as a business asset. Either way, (and as much as many of them are treated as children) pets don’t have the same rights in the Court system that a child has.
In a handful of cases the Court has ordered that the family pet travel with a child between households. This type of Order would only be to help the child feel comfortable moving between households, rather than legal recognition of shared care of a pet. For example, recent orders were made for “Stevie” the pet parrot to accompany his owner, a young boy with Down Syndrome, between his parents’ homes. These Orders were made as the Court felt that it would be in Stevie’s owner’s best interests for him to have the support of a pet assist him travel from one household to the other.
Increasingly, separating couples will argue through the Courts for custody of their pets. Although the owners have a strong emotional attachment to their pets, the Courts tend to take a dim view on parties who initiate proceedings solely in relation to their furry family members, in circumstances where there is limited time and resourcing to deal with the matter. Accordingly, many people are negotiating their own “care arrangements” for pets by way of informal agreements or signing financial agreements to avoid battle over their four-legged friends. These agreements can canvass where the family pet will hang their collar at the end of the day and financial provision for the care of the pets, including payment of veterinary insurance and bills.
If you have any questions on what may happen to your pet in a separation or divorce, please contact our Sydney Divorce Lawyers we are experts in Family Law and can guide you through the process, contact out Family Lawyers today (02) 9633 1088